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Vistara Investments

Investments in Real Estate Properties & Deeds of Trust

Give us a call today for a no-pressure discussion — if we’re not the right fit for you, we will certainly take the time to help you find a solution that does work for you.

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Sell Your Property

Looking for an easy solution for you & your family?
Skip the open houses, the showings, and the long escrows and sell to us for a hassle-free solution.

Sell Your Property
Fill out this simple form & we will get in touch with you about your property!
  • Women With Emotion
Sell Your Note
Selling your note is a process that is easy, straightforward, and stress-free when you’re working with a person of integrity.
If you have a note or a portfolio of notes that you would like to liquidate, reach out to us today and we will do everything we can to help.


  • Women With Emotion
  • Men With Passion
Sell Your Note
Fill out this simple form & we will get in touch with you about your note!
Love Your Experience with Us
Fill out our forms for a no-pressure discussion — if we’re not the right fit for you, we will certainly take the time to help you find a solution that does work for you.


  • Quality transactions with quality people.

Closing with Us

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We Find a Win-Win Solution

We Send You Funds

We Close Together!